This page tells you the process to get your motorcycle learner licence, and what you need to know about holding a learner licence.
You must pass a basic handling skills test first
Before you can apply for a learner licence you must pass a basic handling skills test, conducted by an approved motorcycle riding instructor.
Find a motorcycle riding instructor in your area - Contact us to find out who can do this in Hawkes Bay for you
Before your test you can practise basic motorcycle handling skills on your own private property or at a motorcycle training school. You can't ride on a road - as you don't yet hold a learner licence.
More information about the basic handling skills test
You must be 16
You must be at least 16 years old to apply for your learner licence.
How to get your motorcycle learner licence
To get your learner licence, you must apply at a driver licensing agent.
You will need to:
fill out an application form [PDF, 229 KB]present evidence of your identity
prove your eyesight meets the required standard
let the agent take your photo and signature
present your basic handling skills certificate
pay the learner licence application and test fees and book a test time
pass the learner licence theory test.
Learner licence theory test
The learner licence theory test is a computer-based, 35-question, multi-choice test that assesses your knowledge of road rules and safe driving practices. You will need to get at least 32 questions right to pass.
Everything you need to pass the test is in The official New Zealand road code. You can buy the road code at most bookstores and driver licensing agents, or it’s available online.
Find out more about theory tests
Read The official New Zealand road code for motorcyclists
Practise the theory test at www.roadcodepractice.co.nz(external link)
Once you have passed your theory test, the agent will give you a temporary learner licence so you can start practising your driving. Your photo driver licence will be posted to you.
There are conditions you have to follow when driving
You must not ride between 10pm and 5am.You must not carry any passengers on your motorcycle or moped or in any sidecar.
You must not tow another vehicle.
You must always have a learner (L) plate attached to the rear of your motorcycle or moped.
You must only ride a LAMS approved motorcycle.
You face severe penalties if you ride outside your licence conditions.
Practise your riding
Once you’ve got your learner licence, get in as much riding practice as you can. It is recommended that you get plenty of practice (at least 120 hours) before you sit a practical test.
Buy practice licence tests online
www.roadcodepractice.co.nz(external link)
Restricted licence is the next step
Once you have held your learner licence for 6 months, you can apply for your restricted licence.
Find out how to get your restricted motorcycle licence and what you need to know
Download Factsheet 28: Learning to ride – getting your motorcycle licence [PDF, 90 KB]